在基督內得見嶄新的一切 To see all things new in Christ
在基督內得見嶄新的一切 To see all things new in Christ
“Dear children, At this time, when you are celebrating the day of All Saints, seek their intercession and prayers so that in union with them, you may find peace. May the Saints be your intercessors and example, that you imitate them and live holily. I am with you and intercede before God for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call.“ (With Ecclesiastical approval)
“Dear children, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (With Ecclesiastical approval)
「親愛的孩子們:今天,我和你們一起的祈禱是為和平。善與惡正在交戰 ,並希望在世界和人民的心中獲勝。你們要成為有望德和作祈禱的人,並對那位一切都是可能的造物主天主寄以極大的信賴。小孩子們,願和平在你們當中和你們周圍獲勝。我以母親的祝福祝福你們。好使你們,小孩子們,成為你們遇到的所有人的喜樂。謝謝你們回應我的呼喚。」
“Dear children! Today, my prayer with you is for peace. Good and evil are fighting and want to prevail in the world and in the hearts of people. You be people of hope and prayer and of great trust in God the Creator to Whom everything is possible. Little children, may peace prevail in you and around you. I am blessing you with my motherly blessing that you, little children, may be joy for all those whom you meet. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
''My dear children, with joy I have chosen you and am leading you, because in you, little children, I see people of faith, hope and prayer. May you, little children, be led by the pride that you are mine, and I am leading you to Him, Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And I am with you so that peace may win in you and around you, because it is with this intention God sent me to you. Thank you for having responded to my call.''
We come to you, dearest Mother,
from all quarters, from all nations;
bringing to you all our troubles
ardent wishes, aspirations.
Look upon us and console us,
lay your gentle hands upon us;
intercede with Jesus for us,
Mother of Peace, do pray for us.
「親愛的孩子們,在這恩寵的時刻,我呼喚你們用心祈禱。小孩子們,建立祈禱小組吧,在當中你們將會互相鼓勵向善,並在喜樂中成長。小孩子們,你們仍是 遠離的。這是為何要繼續重新的皈依,並選擇成聖和希望的道路,好讓天主豐富地賜予你們平安。感謝你們回應我的呼喚。」
“Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. Little children, create prayer groups where you will encourage each other to the good and grow in joy. Little children, you are still far away. That is why continue to convert anew and choose the way of holiness and hope so that God may give you peace in abundance. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“Dear children! I am with you to tell you that I love you and to encourage you to prayer; because Satan is strong and every day his strength is stronger through those who have chosen death and hatred. You, little children, be prayer and my extended hands of love for all those who are in darkness and seek the light of our God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“Dear children! In this time of grace, pray with me for the good to win in you and around you. In a special way, little children, pray united with Jesus on His Way of the Cross. Into your prayers put this humanity which wanders without God and without His love. Be prayer, be light, and be witnesses to all those whom you meet, little children, so that the merciful God may have mercy toward you. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
“Dear children! Pray and renew your heart so that the good which you have sown may bear the fruit of joy and oneness with God. Darnel has seized many hearts and they have become unfruitful; that is why, you little children, be light, love and my outstretched hands in this world which yearns for God Who is love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
"Dear children! May this time be a time of prayer.“
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